Whelp, not too much to report. I've been madly working on paper dolls. The fashion ones are pretty much done, so that's exciting. I was looking through some old paper dolls i did to find something to send in for the "all art" issue of my paper doll magazine, and i realized that some of them are pretty bad! Very upsetting. All my spice girls have thick legs, queen amidala's head might be too big, padme's face looks nothing like natalie portman, and there's something off about willow...can't quite figure it out. Buffy is okay though. Anyway, now i want to fix all these, but that would require so much work. If i shrink amidala's head, then i have to go through all the outfits i've done for her and shrink all those crazy headdresses. There's so much detail in those things it would take forever! I looked through some of my tom tierney paper doll books and realized that his aren't perfect - some of the proportions may be off a little, or someone's face doesn't look exactly like the famous person it's supposed to look like. And that was reassuring. Maybe i am being too hyper critical about my paper dolls. I just like everything to be PERFECT. Makes things difficult.
On another note: i can't remember if i mentioned putting up my purple monsters in my shop or not. But they're up! The green monster will be up soon too, and i'll try to remember to let you know when i do that. Also, i made a new banner for my shop. It's wintery outside, so it might as well be wintery in my shop too! (of course, i went outside this morning and it felt like spring! Perhaps i'll make a new banner for every season.)
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