This past weekend i joined my mom for open studios at the mill. Thankfully i didn't do as badly as i did at the last one.

I made awesome posters to direct people to my mom's studio.

Keep going!

Wow, what a set up!

Day One: I was feeling confident and optimistic

Who wouldn't want to buy one? And at such a bargain!

Day Two: Feeling slightly depressed and very unsuccessful. Things picked up later on in the day.
All in all, i'm glad i did it. And i will probably do it again next year. But probably not in the springtime. My mom sold a lot of books, so i guess i better get cracking. People seem to like buying books for their kids more than toys. But can you stuff a book in a stocking? I don't think so.
people who give kids books as gifts are LAME. children don't want to READ. jeez.
I can't believe I drove all that way and I didn't even get a shout out in this post. Yours was the BEST studio. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT MISTER.
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