Friday, November 28, 2008

happy thanksgiving (yesterday)

I'm sort of hoping this pumpkin will just disintegrate and fall through the slats in the porch. We shall see... 

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

open studio

This past weekend i joined my mom for open studios at the mill. Thankfully i didn't do as badly as i did at the last one. 
I made awesome posters to direct people to my mom's studio.
Keep going!
Wow, what a set up!
Day One: I was feeling confident and optimistic
Who wouldn't want to buy one? And at such a bargain!
Day Two: Feeling slightly depressed and very unsuccessful. Things picked up later on in the day. 

All in all, i'm glad i did it. And i will probably do it again next year. But probably not in the springtime. My mom sold a lot of books, so i guess i better get cracking. People seem to like buying books for their kids more than toys. But can you stuff a book in a stocking? I don't think so. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

new chubbikins!

Here are my two newest Chubbikins: hedgehog and raccoon. I made three of each and they'll be for sale at the upcoming open studio. If they don't sell, expect to see them on etsy soon!

Monday, November 10, 2008

website update!

I just wanted you let you all know that my website has been updated! Check out the marker section for new paper dolls and the about me section for a cute link to my Chubbikin site. Take a look!

I have been admiring Natalie's work on etsy for a long time (check out her shop here!). Finally i asked her if she would make a custom cat inspired by my own little Russ. As you can see, they became fast friends. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

almost there...

Sorry Anne and Em, you're out. Only four girls remain in the race to become America's. Next. Top. Model. 

Monday, November 3, 2008


I've added ornaments to etsy page. Check them out!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

rabbit rabbit

Ok, so these should have been posted yesterday but i didn't have time. I made place card type things for a small halloween shindig i hosted last night. These pictures dont' have the blood splattered name tags on them, but they go where those curly-q's are. Haaaaaapyyy hallooooooweeeeeeeeeen! Mwahahahaha